Too many people feel like they're all alone. This sense of isolation can be overwhelming, and it can keep you from achieving your goals and being happy. No matter how bad things seem, you should know you're never alone. Embrace the power of group therapy at Adult, Child & Family Services, LLC.
For group therapy, we'll match you to a group with other people with similar backgrounds. Through group sessions, we will foster the group environment, and you'll develop a community of people who understand what you're experiencing. More than that, they'll be there for you, and you'll be there for them!
This sense of community is intentionally built with a comfortable and safe environment. All group participants need to be completely open and transparent. This is the only way group members can learn to work together. These communication skills can even be used in your day-to-day life.
Talk to Adult, Child & Family Services, LLC about our current options for group therapy. We'll help find the right group for you today.
Power in Numbers
Call today to start group therapy with an experienced practitioner
(507) 387-3777
411 South Grove Street
Suite 3
Blue Earth, MN 56013
Phone: (507) 387-3777
(507) 344-1726
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